Translation work in progress, use Google for not yet translated posts

Translation work in progress, use Google for not yet translated posts

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Nepodceňujte, prosím, obor ostatních (zvláště když o něm nic nevíte)

O jedné nemoci blogosféry

Často se setkávám s tímto jevem: čtu na internetu obsahem hezký, vtipný, inteligentní text, ale pořád mi na něm něco vadí, necítím se při čtení dobře. Pak si to uvědomím: nesoulad obsahu a formy, někdy malý, jindy obrovský. A vím už i jak vznikl, je to čistě internetový fenomén.

Autor cítil, že má světu co říci a rozhodl se, že bude publikovat, tj. předkládat publiku své texty - zdůrazňuji publikovat, nikoliv psát, psaní a publikování jsou dvě rozdílné činnosti, a kdo si to neuvědomuje, měl by se vrátit do školy. V éře internetu je publikování snadné, tak snadňoučké, různých publikačních platforem je na výběr spousta, až se vlastně zdá, že se se schopností publikovat rodíme. Každé lidské mládě má přeci tuto schopnost ve svých genech, vrozenou, nebo ne?
"Neříkejte mi, že úprava textů pro publikování je specializovaný obor lidské činnosti, zvaný typografie, se staletým vývojem a tradicí. A i kdyby, já jsem přeci doktor, inženýr, architekt, ... a pustit se do něčeho takového jednoduchoučkého můžu klidně i bez sebemenší
předchozí přípravy. A kdyby snad takový jednoduchý obor, co dím, podobor, měl dlouhým vývojem potvrzená pravidla, já z výše svého vzdělání na ně klidně mohu kašlat."
Tedy, ti autoři to takhle ani nemyslí, to byla nadsázka, protože kdyby si to takto zformulovali, tak by jim, chytrým a inteligentním lidem, samotným došlo, jaký je to omyl.

Ano, tohoto omylu se velice často dopouštějí právě vzdělaní a chytří lidé,
mnohdy v tom svém oboru opravdové kapacity. A to, že pro odborníky v typografii, ale i pro amatéry, milovníky tohoto oboru, budou po předvedení svých "výkonů" za kašpary a neumětely, jim nevadí, neboť si to většinou ani neuvědomují. Asi by ale silně křičeli, kdyby se stejným přístupem, to jest bez byť i jen minimální přípravy, se někdo chtěl pustit do toho jejich. Ono je to v mnohých oborech, a to z pochopitelných důvodů, i zákonem zakázáno. Typografie však, bohužel či přírodožel*, zákonem chráněná není.

Pro případně protestující typografy či milovníky typografie pak, možná z falešné obavy, že by jejich prestiž klesla, kdyby přiznali chybu, mají jedinou odpověď "se stim smiř" © Opraski sčeskí historje, nebo neodpovědí vůbec. Já se ale domnívám, že opravdu inteligentní člověk za slušné upozornění na chybu poděkuje. (ovšem mohu se v této domněnce mýlit)

No a tak se na internetu setkávám se stránkami, které sice mají vynikající obsah, ale ten, kdo o typografii něco ví, nebo ten, kdo má trochu více vyvinutý estetický cit, se na ně nemůže ani podívat**. Kdyby to byly bláboly, nějaký blogísek náctileté puberťačky, tak je mi to šmafú, ale u chytrých textů mne to mrzí.

Zdraví vás Vladimír

PS. Musím se jedné profesi, uvedené nahoře, omluvit. Na stránky architekta, které by nebyly pěkně upravené, jsem ještě nenarazil. Ale při jejich profesi je asi jasné proč.
Právníci ne, advokátských podání, ale i soudních přípisů, z typografické stránky ohavných, jsem už viděl spoustu. Světlou výjimkou je pan Pecina. Nad jeho právnickými texty typografovo srdce zaplesá.
Nezaměňujte prosím naříkajícího typografa za tzv. grammar nazi. Chtít někomu opravovat v diskusi pod blogpostem hrubky nebo překlepy, je opravdu pitomost. Ale autorovi v článku ano. Již zmíněný pan Pecina má na upozornění na jakoukoli chybu v článku, i překlep,  standardní odpověď "Děkuji, opraveno". Až to na mne dělá dojem, že ji nepíše na klávesnici, ale bouchá razítkem ;)

* nehodící se škrtněte
** příkřejší autor by mi tady mohl namítnout: No tak se na ně nedívej, nikdo tě nenutí. To, že ze sebe veřejně dělám kašpara, není tvoje věc!
já bych mu namítnul: Tak tys to zveřejnil a nechceš, aby se na to lidi koukali? To je protimluv, to nechápu. Kašpara ze sebe klidně dělej, to je opravdu jen tvoje věc. Ale pak se nediv, že se ti lidi budou smát. Oni jsou kašpaři většinou lidem k smíchu.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Aswan Dams II

All my observations about water profile (see previous Aswan Dam post) was done against 1.x FG scenery. I downloaded 2.0 and all things changed. There are two nice water steps on Nile where the dams should be and where they WILL be :)

water step in the place of Big (New or High) Aswan Dam

water step in the place of Old Aswan Dam
Work in progress, stay tuned.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

LEBB Bilbao parking positions (scenery 1.x)

Given the lack of interest of italian flightgear pilots, I decided to switch blog to English (and to translate old posts, too)

Because English isn't my mother tongue, please be so kind and correct me if I'd make some grammatical or spelling error. Thanks

Attention this work is intended for FG scenery v 1.x ! For 2.0 scenery modifications you must wait a little.

Recent work, changes (hope improvements) I did on LEBB. For start, some glitches I found there:

B737 Air France, apron north, stand 21. It's waiting here so long that it fell into terrain
at LEBB even bus driver must have pilot license
LEBB hasn't any parking pos defined, so I decided to make one groundnet.xml file myself. For telling long story short: downloaded apt charts only for discover they are unusable - parking stands coordinates too rough for modelling. So I did some "direct" measurement with fg and mpmap, fg with Follow me car on one box and mpmap window on other one. Nice pastime, couple of hours on Friday, half a day on Saturday, half a day on Sunday, whole about 20 hours, almost all spent waiting for mpmap reaction. Terrible delay, but nothing surprising. From me to mpserver01 in Germany, then to mp02, because mpmap01 is down and from there back to me, 5-6 sec (not milisec, but sec) delay. I must have my local mpserver for these works.
Now I have fresh, new LEBB.groundnet.xml file and also 2908496.stg file (to be saved in $FGFS_HOME/Scenery/Airports/L/E/B/LEBB.groundnet.xml and $FGFS_HOME/Scenery/Objects/w000n40/w003n43/2908496.stg) Both zipped in file, available on Downloads page (see left column).

In .stg file I slightly modified the positions of static aircrafts, to correspond better to parking pos (except N-16, N-17 and N-18) and fixed some of glitches above. No, buses no, they still fly. Compared to original file I did only one not neglectable change: static Cessna on apron south, stand G2 was moved to stand G5. So starting FG with my Cessna on stand G2 taxiing from there is more fun.

In groundnet file are defined all 48 parking positions of LEBB and all 10 holding points too. Parking positions are marked N-<number> or S-<number> (Apron north and Apron south, S-G<number> in case of G stands for small ga aircrafts on south apron. In accordance with .stg file parking pos occupied by scenery static aircrafts are commented out, so they don't appear in lists of available positions. The same for holding points C3 and C5, they are marked in FG as in realty "NO ENTRY", so they are disabled (commented out). For not using these positions when starting with command line (--parkpos=<something>), here is complete list of not usable ones:
Apron north: N-6, N-6A, N-16, N-17, N-18, N-19, N-21, N-21A
Apron south: S-G1, S-G3, S-G4, S-G5, S-G6
Holding points: C3, C5
all also listed at the end of groundnet file.

For exact position of each parking or holding point and limitations see LEBB official apt charts or for quick reference there is LEBB_park_pos.png file, also contained in my file. 

Pls, don't forget: Some days LEBB is controlled apt, so dont' start FG with aircraft on rwy, when you fly in multi player mode. This is a real purpose of this my little hobby work. Too small (and incomplete too) for calling it custom scenery, I call it custom polish.

Stay tuned, another modification coming soon.

Friday 24 October 2014

Home cockpit

Well, I saw some home cockpits on the net, so I decided "me too". It will be, obviously,  beloved Cessna. The work is continuing slowly, I've too little free time to devote to this project. Some photos here:

battery, alternator and main avionics switches

light switches

back side ready for wiring

small lock cylinder sawn in half

this part will be used for ignition switch

small rotary switch, modified, 4 fixed positions and 1 free one
(yes, well-known OFF, L, R, BOTH and START)

So sorry for terrible imagine quality. Combination of cheap web cam and energy-saving LED light. Just I'll take better cam, the photos will be redone, I promise.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Aswan Dams

As I wrote in previous post, the end of Nile trip was full of surprise. Missing the two dams was to be expected, but more surprising was how Terragear coped with water dislevel. Cross section of two dams taken from net and by me added flightgear situation.

water profile of Aswan dams area
Seen in flightgear:
nice downhill, isn't it?

Satelite photo, downhill slope situated roughly at red lines
big Aswan dam, HESN apt and water downhill position

The strange water profile inspired me to a joke. Departured from HESN with Beaver, landed on lake Nasser and slowly floated to slope position. Nice, I did downhill skiing on water.
dowhill skiing at Nasser lake

ended this way
OK, jokes aside. To create water step for Old Dam and to move (and to modify) water step for Big Dam I need to modify terrain, which I must first study how to do it.

But I can start create the two models. I rummaged the net a little, downloaded some photos here and there and I start modeling Old dam first.  It's not finished yet, I've only first draft, w/o textures, w/o details but I just tried to place it in terrain
Old Aswan Dam

my first draft of Old Dam
I can ride around the dam with a car, but my attempts to land on finished badly. Both Cessna and Dragonfly ended down in the water :(

 I decided to do it and do it well, so I started looking for other information, first of all, some drawings with measurements. I did not find anything on Egyptian sites just a bit 'of photos and tourist information. On the site of the governorate of Aswan (I think governorate is similar to our regions) I had big problems. It is meant to Egyptian citizens, so in Arabic, that Google translator would not be so bad, but those genes of authors have half of the site in the form of images, where the caption below is part of the picture, so it's not translatable.
I tried another way. Written e-mail to the Egyptian embassy to request information, not about dam itself, but who can I contact with my questiions. Now I am eagerly waiting for the answer.

Let's see how it continues, the worse I can get measurements from the photos on Google maps.

Nile river trip

During the trip around the Mediterranean sea I've passed over the mouth of the Nile river, and I came up with the idea of ​​taking a trip on the Nile. But for this I changed the aircraft, using de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver in the amphibious version. Beautiful, relatively easy to bring in the air and I will not have landing problems (Why it is called 'ammaraggio' in italian (letterally 'ditching on sea') even when you end up ditching on a lake or river?)

Departured from Alexandria (HEAX, rwy 04), I followed for a while coastal line, then right turn over the river. I followed the water and flew up to Nasser lake, artificial lake created by High Aswan Dam, whole flight made from 7 legs. Ditched always on the river, here is near aiports list:
LegNearest apt
1HEEM Embaba
2HEBS Beni Suef
3HE25 El Minya
4HEAT Asyut
5HELX Luxor
6HE23 Daraw
7HESN Aswan
During the fifth leg, I made ​​my 300th flight hour (registered, I do the flight log since June, in previous years, when I was using FlightGear I just gathered "a few" hours).

entring the mouth of the Nile
For continue the new leg at prev leg final point (I didn't do it in one day, even if whole flight duration was only 7 hours) I used this trick: ditched, went near river bank, switch off engine, anchored the aircraft, waited 2 minutes and then saved flight recoder tape (menu File, item Save flight recorder tape). After it I renamed just saved file, FG is using pattern <aircraft mark>-<date>-<time>.fgtape, it can be renamed, only aircraft mark, following dash and .fgtape extension must remain, otherwise FG will not show this file on tape list to choose from.
The day after I loaded saved recorder tape (menu File, item Load flight recorder tape), after loading it runs Instant reply automatically, I put the tape forward to the point aircraft is motionless on river and click red button "controls to me" on recorder interface. Then I can start the engine and take off for the next leg.
Presence of this red button depends on FDM used for particular aircraft, some aircrafts (like Cessna 172p) have no red button.

At the trip end I played a little with GIMP, the Beaver has livery system, so I created commemorative livery for my DHC-2.
left side of livery, in flight over Nile river

anchored at Nasser lake
Things I discovered at Aswan and what was taken from this discovery will be described in next post.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

LIRN Naples - parking positions

Another modifications to my home airport. I downloaded from ??? (don't remember) LIRN airport charts, here you are:

From there I took the coordinates of all parking positions and holding points and created the file LIRN.groundnet.xml. The file must be saved at  $FGFS_HOME/Scenery/Airports/L/I/R/LIRN.groundnet.xml.

Parking positions 51~57 (apron 1) and 61~66 (apron 2) are disabled, FG LIRN airport layout must be adjusted first (and I don't know how to do it yet). At current state these positions are "out of space",  51~57 on the lawn (apron 1 is too small) and 61~66 are even out of apt. (it's 1.x version of FG scenery, I must explore 2.0 version too)

Another one question was left unresolved for now. All defined parking positions have for now heading 360, the right one I'll add when there will be more buildings.

For hydroplanes I invented three "parking pos", NaplesBay1 and 2 and PozuolliBay1, so you can take off from the sea too.

Happy flight to all and don't forget: The first task of aviation is bring as near as possible the number of successful landings to the number of take offs :)